It is often a surprise when someone learns that West Milford is one of the busier municipalities in Passaic County for DWI offenses. A considerable number of DUI charges are written in the township every year with 105 issued over the twelve months ending June 2015. This is an extremely high amount of individuals charged given that there are no major highways in this town and it ranks last (i.e. 16th) in population density in the county. All of this should serve as signal enough to you that this is a jurisdiction that is aggressive apprehending drunk drivers. If you are someone who was arrested in these efforts, you will have to hire an able DWI attorney in order to avoid the penalties that apply under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50.
Skilled Lawyers To Defend Your West Millford DUI
At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, our staff is one of the most experienced and highly trained in the state. We also happen to possess the largest DWI defense team in New Jersey. Qualification like those of our firm are pivotal in defending a DUI since plea bargaining is outlawed. The only way to secure a dismissal is through legitimate defenses which the judge agrees prevent the state from proving the charge. An attorney with exceptional credentials is therefore going to give you the greatest opportunity for success. Our lawyers stand ready to put their resources into motion in order to reach a favorable outcome. Call our Wayne Office at 973-839-4007 for a free consultation.
DWI in West Millford Municipal Court
The West Millford Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all DWI tickets and summonses issued within the 80.31 square miles of the community. The court and its administrator, Michele Walker, can be reached between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 973-728-2750. The municipal court is in session on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and Thursday at 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The judge is Honorable Joseph C. Perconti. The following interactive map will assist you in locating the court.
It is important that you arrive in court on time and are prepared. Failure to appear typically results in issuance of a warrant. You should also know that the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts has issued a directive that all municipal courts resolve DWI and DUI charges within sixty days of issuance of the related summons/ticket. What this means is that the judge will be pushing the case along so you need to act diligently to defend the offense.
West Millford DUI Lawyer
West Millford may be about as far north and as rural as it gets in Passaic County but do not be mistaken. This is a municipality with an inordinate amount of individuals charged with DWI. The numbers are even more significant when you consider that the town is one of the least populated with few, if any, high traffic roadways to speak of. This demonstrates just how serious the police department is in apprehending individuals suspected of drinking and driving and operating under the influence of marijuana and other drugs. A DUI Lawyer at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall will insure that your rights are fully protected and that you have every chances of escaping a conviction. To speak to one of the attorneys on our staff in a free consultation, contact us online or call 973-839-4007.