Wayne is a municipality that ranks near the top in Passaic County for not only population (i.e. 54,717 residents) and size (i.e. 25.17 square miles) but also motorists charged with DUI annually. The township is the home to Willowbrook Mall, William Patterson University and many commercial enterprises along U.S. Route 46, and these are just a few of the characteristics that result in many DUI charges. While this type of violation is not criminal in nature under New Jersey Law, it carries significant penalties that include a mandatory driver’s license suspension for even a first offense. And if you want to avoid consequences like this you cannot rely on the hope of a favorable “plea bargain” as this practice is outlawed in resolving a DWI case. All of this should serve as ample evidence of the extreme importance of hiring a skilled NJ DWI Defense Lawyer to defend you.
Highly Accomplished DWI Attorneys In Wayne New Jersey
The DWI attorneys in our Wayne NJ Office have the credentials you need to insure you are not convicted of this violation. We have successfully defended countless offenses in this jurisdiction utilizing our 100 plus years of experience serving as both defense lawyers and prosecutors. Our defense team also features some of the most highly trained in this area of law with three members who are among less than ten in the state who are certified on both the Alcotest and as instructors in Field Sobriety Testing by the NHTSA. These certifications demonstrate an exceptionally high level of knowledge in the two testing methods used by police to prove intoxication. To learn how an attorney at our firm can help you, fill out the online contact form or call us in Wayne at 973-839-4007 for a free consultation.
Wayne Municipal Court DUI Charges
Wayne Municipal Court is located at 475 Valley Road, Wayne NJ and possesses jurisdiction to decide all DWI, DUI and Breath Test Refusal charges written in the township. The court is open for business weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and can be reached by telephone at 973-694-1800, extension 3212, during these hours. The Court Administrator is Lori Ellicott (extension 3305). The municipal court is in session four days a week as follows: Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.,, Thursday at 1:30 p.m., and Friday at 9 a.m. There is no right to a jury trial in the municipal court so all decision-making is the responsibility of the municipal court judge presiding over your trial or other hearing. The two judges in Wayne Township are Honorable Peter F. Weiss and Honorable Lawrence Katz. The state is representation in all proceedings by one of three prosecutors, Thomas Melani, Esq., Steven Veltri, Esq., and Ramond S. Vivino, Esq.
Wayne DWI Lawyer
Whether you were on your way back from Manhattan, had a fender bender leaving Bahama Breeze, or were arrested in any other context in Wayne, our attorneys can provide the level of service you need to escape a conviction. We will dissect the facts throughout your encounter including the initial DWI stop, roadside testing, in-station evaluation, breathalyzer or blood test, and every other stage of the contact to identify all potential defenses. This can often result in an angle to allow our clients to avert a guilty finding under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. A DWI Lawyer on our team is available now to review the circumstances of your case and provide his insight as to the best plan for success. Call our Wayne Office for an immediate free consultation at 973-839-4007.