Do You Want An Attorney Defending You Who is Certified on the Alcotest & in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing?
There are basically two ways for a Clifton police officer and prosecutor to prove a driving while intoxicated violation and that is through scientific evidence such as a breath test or by field sobriety tests. While it may seem as common sense that someone arrested for a DWI in Clifton would demand representation by an attorney who is certified on New Jersey’s breath test machine, the Alcotest 7110, and in how to perform and interpret field sobriety tests, few defendants are actually knowledgeable enough to select a lawyer with these credentials. In point of fact, there probably is only one law firm in the County of Passaic with lawyers who possess these qualifications and that is the Law Offices of Marshall, Bonus, Proetta & Oliver. We feature a staff of attorneys that has decades of experience defending drunk driving and refusal charges, multiple members who are not only certified in field sobriety testing but are actual instructors in these tests, and more than 5 who are Alcotest certified. We encourage you to do your research and try and find a DUI defense team in the Clifton area with these types of credentials for handling your case. Give us a call and one of our highly trained lawyers will review your case, including a charge of refusal to provide a breath test, and tell you how we can assist you. It is in your interest to make the call as penalties for drunk driving are stiff in NJ.
DWI Penalties You Will Face in Clifton NJ
The fines, period of license suspension and jail that an individual is exposed to upon conviction for DWI in Clifton hinges on whether this would be their first, second, third or subsequent offense.
- First Offense carries a mandatory license suspension of between three (3) months and one (1) year, numerous fines and monetary assessments, including a surcharge of $1,000 per year for 3 years, at least 12 hours in the Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center (IDRC), and up to 30 days in jail.
- Second Offense triggers two (2) years license suspension, a $1,500 per year surcharge for 3 years and other monetary penalties, 30 days of community service, 48 hours in the IDRC, and between 2 and 90 days in jail.
- Third Offense results in a ten (10) year license suspension, thousands of dollars in fines and financial consequences, and 180 days of jail.
DUI Defense Lawyers in Clifton NJ
The impact of a conviction in Clifton for driving while intoxicated or even a refusal can be devastating to an individual’s ability to maintain employment and manager their life. It is therefore important that a person explores every opportunity for avoiding these negative consequences. One of our attorneys can tell you just how this can be achieved and initial consultations are free. Give us a call at 862-203-4070.
Clifton leads Passaic County in DWI charges virtually every year. In addition to having the fourth largest municipal population with 84,136 residents, the city is a thoroughfare for some of the busiest roadways in the state. The Garden State Parkway, U.S. Route 46, and New Jersey Route 3 traverse the 11.39 square miles of Clifton and are the source of many of the three-hundred (300) plus individuals charged with DUI annually. If you find yourself in the dilemma of a driving while intoxicated offense, you need to retain a lawyer with the ability to defend the N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 violation on its merits. This will involve convincing the judge that the police are unable to prove the summons/ticket and local patronage has no relevance in this determination as plea bargaining is illegal in drunk driving cases. Hiring a skilled DWI lawyer is therefore an absolute necessity if you want to avoid a conviction.
Call Our Clifton Office To Speak To A Skilled DUI Attorney
The attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, have exception qualifications to insure that you have every chance of averting a guilty finding for DUI. In addition to having over 100 years of experience defending drinking and driving charges in Passaic County, our team includes several former prosecutors who have witnessed the workings of the court system from the opposite perspective. Our insight, as well as unique advanced training, allow us to identify weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case. In fact, three of our lawyers are members of a group of no more than ten in the state that certified on both the Alcotest and as instructors in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. To speak to a lawyer with the knowledge and skills necessary to secure a favorable outcome, contact us online or call our Clifton Office at 973-735-2840.
DWI Offense in Clifton Municipal Court
Your DWI offense will be decided in the Clifton Municipal Court located at 900 Clifton Avenue, Clifton, NJ. The courtroom and business office are located on the second floor with Alexis Mitreski serving as Court Administrator. The municipal court is so busy that it conducts six court sessions each week: Monday at 8:45 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:45 a.m.; and Thursday at 3:15 p.m. Honorable Thomas Brunt is the judge that decides all issues presented in DUI cases. It is important that you appear at all scheduled court dates and are thoroughly prepared since a guilty finding will result in severe penalties. A first offense results in at least three months and as much as twelve months suspension of your license and thousands in financial consequences. The ramifications of a second offense include your driving privileges being suspended for two years. A third offense results in 180 days in jail and ten years license revocation. These risks necessitate your retaining the best DUI Attorney you can find to represent you in the City of Clifton.
Clifton NJ DUI Attorney
We cannot stress enough how imperative it is to select your DUI attorney wisely. The key to your success in this regard is finding a lawyer with the knowledge and skill to mount an attack that dismantles the case against you. This is what is pivotal to your avoiding a conviction rather than insignificant characteristics like coziness with the court. There is truly nothing that can be accomplished unless you present a bona fide defect that destroys the prosecutor’s ability to prove the violation. Our lawyers are equipped to achieve this objective. To speak to an attorney on our staff anytime 24/7 in a free consultation, call us in Clifton New Jersey at 973-735-2840.