Passaic County Temporary Restraining Order Defense Lawyers

Paterson Temporary Restraining Order Defense Attorneys

Every year, literally thousands of applications for a temporary restraining order are filed in Passaic County and elsewhere in New Jersey. If the Superior Court judge in Paterson reviewing the related complaint concludes that there is probable cause to believe that domestic violence or a risk thereof exists, then a temporary restraining order may be signed. This order imposes temporary restraints that bar the defendant from having any contact with the “victim”, from continue to reside in the same dwelling with the victim, or engaging in any additional acts of domestic violence against the victim.

Application for a Temporary Restraining Order

The process of determining whether a temporary restraining order should issue is, unfortunately, an ex parte proceeding. What this means is that the defendant in this process has no right to participate in this stage of the process in hopes of fending off a temporary restraining order. The only individuals who have an opportunity to speak to the Municipal Court or Superior Court judge hearing the application for a temporary restraining order are the plaintiff, investigating police officers and any witnesses to the incident(s). It is a very one sided process and defendants can often find themselves feeling like the real victims when they are arrested and processed for domestic violence and a temporary restraining order.

Skilled Defense Lawyers Ready to Defend You

You have a short period, usually less than one (1) week to prepare your defense. This defense shall be presented at the Final Restraining Order Hearing. This is your one and only opportunity to prevent the order from becoming final along with all of the restraints you are presently having to live with. You should, without question, speak to an attorney about representation at the upcoming hearing. The proceeding is an official Superior Court hearing and formal rules of evidence apply. This is not the setting for someone to play lawyer, especially since a loss will have potentially devastating consequences to your future. Call one of our highly experienced lawyers for immediate assistance. Initial consultations are always without charge so there is no reason to hesitate in reaching out to an attorney. We are available 24/7 so call us anytime.